
Showing posts from March 8, 2018

Whats cookin, Good lookin

So Im out of hibernation, yay! Im someone who have always loved food and have a crazy sweeth tooth, ( its seems grammatically inappropriate, and Im thinking of an alternative adjective). Now the thing is, food is a source of nutrition but its also a source of bonding, bringing people together. I struggled a bit with the love of food and sugar during my "those critical years" , but then, I think that helped me in the long run in that I modified how I can learn that there is more to food than just cooking , eating and enjoying it. So I came across a lot of different diet plans and diets, (yes, there is a difference). Im going to discuss that a bit today. KETO DIET Lets start with the keto diet which seems to be all the rage these days.Im talking #Instagram worthy . A keto diet is basically a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF)...