Whats cookin, Good lookin

So Im out of hibernation, yay!

Im someone who have always loved food and have a crazy sweeth tooth, ( its seems grammatically inappropriate, and Im thinking of an alternative adjective). Now the thing is, food is a source of nutrition but its also a source of bonding, bringing people together. I struggled a bit with the love of food and sugar during my "those critical years" , but then, I think that helped me in the long run in that I modified how I can learn that there is more to food than just cooking , eating and enjoying it. So I came across a lot of different diet plans and diets, (yes, there is a difference). Im going to discuss that a bit today.

Lets start with the keto diet which seems to be all the rage these days.Im talking #Instagram worthy .
A keto diet is basically a low carb diet, where the body produces ketones in the liver to be used as energy. It’s referred to as many different names – ketogenic diet, low carb diet, low carb high fat (LCHF), etc. To break it down simply, your body"s primary source of energy is Glucose/ Carbs. When your body is running low on its primary source aka Glucose, it starts breaking down fats and starts utilizing them.The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state. We don’t do this through starvation of calories but starvation of carbohydrates. Seems cool enough?! Yeah, no.
Consuming a high-fat diet to sustain ketosis can be detrimental to your long-term health. Many high-fat foods that are low in protein and carbohydrates, such as butter, lard, coconut and egg yolks, are high in saturated fat, which can increase your risk of heart disease.  The only time that ketosis was actually considered beneficial is the effects produced that aid in controlling seizures. Because your brain normally runs on glucose, which is derived from carbohydrates, ketosis may induce a change in brain chemistry that limits seizures. According to Epilepsy.com, most children who follow ketogenic diets experience half as many seizures as before the diet. Up to 15 percent may even stop experiencing seizures completely.


The paleo diet (also nicknamed the caveman diet, primal diet, Stone Age diet, and hunter-gatherer diet) is hugely popular these days, and goes by one simple question: What would a caveman eat? 
"By following these nutritional guidelines, we put our diet more in line with the evolutionary pressures that shaped our current genetics, which in turn positively influences health and well being," says Loren Cordain, PhD, professor of health and exercise science at Colorado State University and author of The Paleo Diet.

 "Our ancestors ate this way and didn't have many of the chronic diseases we do, but that doesn't mean the food they ate is the reason why; drawing that conclusion would be like saying we live three times longer than our Paleolithic ancestors because we eat fast food," says Christopher Ochner, MD, research associate at the New York Obesity Nutrition Research Center at St. Luke's and Roosevelt Hospitals.
So Paleo diet still is being researched thoroughly for its pros vs cons.


Atkins, limits carbohydrates (sugar), so the body burns fat, including body fat, for fuel. This approach leaves the body steadily fueled, and weight is lost, even when more calories are being consumed. Steady fueling also means more constant energy levels all day long, and less hunger and cravings! You can actually lose weight while feeling full! The science behind the Atkins principles has been proven by over 80 clinical studies!You can lose weight while you eat a diet rich in protein and fat, and very low in carbs, and you shouldn’t feel hungry or deprived. Today's Atkins focuses more on lean proteins, healthy fats, and high-fiber vegetables as part of the plans.

(If you haven't yet realized by the amount of !!'s , I would like to inform you that the above lines are what the Atkins officially claim, and its not me going on binge exclamatiory sentences.)

There are four phases to the standard Atkins diet, also called Atkins 20.

It focuses on proteins and fats like:


You’ll have to stay away from starchy and sugary carbs, including:

You’ll eat carbs in veggie form at first. As you progress, you’ll add in other foods, like beans/legumes, fruits, and whole grains.

Phase 1. Now you help your body switch from burning carbs to fat. This process is called ketosis, and you should notice weight loss quickly. You’ll eat protein, fat, and only 20 grams of carbs in veggie form daily.
Phase 2. You’ll add foods back to your diet, until you learn how many carbs you can eat while still losing weight. ( This one sounds tricky!)
Phase 3. You go to this level when you have about 10 pounds left to lose. You’ll learn how to maintain weight loss and lose the last few pounds.
Phase 4. You'll follow this for the rest of your life, to ensure that you don’t gain back what you’ve lost. ( Wait, what??!)
There are limits to the amount of butter or fats that you should eat, but no strict guidelines for meats or other proteins.
My verdict:
Ok, first things first. How I understand it, is I get the things I should and shouldnt be consuming but if giving it a fancy-schamncy name makes you happy and more motivated, go for it! Just remember, the key is to eat healthy and try to have a healthy lifestyle. Walk for 10 mins, jog, climb the stairs if you are not yet feeling committed to being a gymrat. You have to start somewhere!
You need Carbohydrates, Fats and Proteins in their specific amount per day, it may vary according to your age and weight.
Eat healthy. Eat when you are hungry, not when you are bored or it is -just- time -to eat -so -lets -eat anyway!
Drink adequate amount of water, yes I didn't say plenty, because over consumption of water is actually something that can be somehow problematic
Stop refined sugars, i repeat, abort mission. Go to your kitchen, pantry, your secret hideaway for that guilty pleasure stash, get those Crisps, biscuits, candies, and throw them out the freaking window, you don't need that kind of negativity in your life ( Dramatic flare-ups).
Choose your breakfast wisely. It being the most important meal of your day, think about the sugar rush as also a factor. The cereals available in the market are what you need to watch out for, check the backside of the pack for the nutritional info, a bit of googling won't hurt too.
I recently came across this local cereal brand, they came up with this healthy, sugar free muesli cereal and I was like wow, lets try this. I took a spoonful and I kid you not, it was so sugary and wasn't any differnt from the normal sugar loaded ones.
Caffeine is super coo but remmber it dehydrates too.
Prepare your meals in advance if you cant slave over the meal prep everyday.


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