
Showing posts from May 14, 2018


When faced with a hurdle, test or a difficulty in life, you try to tackle it by giving your best shot. Coming out a winner on the other side is what everybody wants, but what if u can't get the anticipated results? The test that you crammed for day and night endlessly, but failed to score on? That opportunity that you thought of, as a step toward achieving your dream job, just vanished in thin air? That career promotion you worked for, ended up in some body's lap, who wasn't worthy of it by your perspective? Worldly competition diverts you, Until you visit the graves (Surah Takathur, Chapter 102) We all like to line our ducks in a row, but things don't & won't go our way. We might find ourselves reflecting upon, if its meant for you,you will get it, and then accepting that which is not. At different times in our life, the definition of success can vary. In your school days it was just scoring good grades, getting your favourite toys, your teens w...