Food myths geek-debunked

So with so many health related stuff out on the internet, there are still some myths, which I will list out here, and yes, it includes some I have grown up believing in for 2 decades!

Food myth: Cranberry juice can cure a urinary tract infection

 There’s no actual proof that cranberry juice or supplements specifically can treat an infection, the right way for curing UTI that it should be medicated with antibiotics. But drinking the juice or taking supplements regularly can prevent such infections in the first place because compounds in the juice stop infection-causing bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. 

Butter or Margarine?

Butter and margarine have about the same amount of calories. 
Whats the difference, you ask? Well, margarine was originally created as an affordable butter-alternate in the 19th century, which was then made with animal fat, but most brands have done away with this ingredient.butter is traditionally churned, while margarine is made through the process of hydrogenation .Margarine is made from vegetable oils,salt, and emulsifiers, whereas butter contains cholesterol and saturated fat, some margarines are actually unhealthier because they contain trans fats, which have even more adverse effects on cholesterol and heart health.  If you choose margarine, look for trans fat-free brands.

Are Carbonated drinks bad for you?

 Habitual  soda drinkers are less likely to get adequate vitamin A, calcium, and magnesium because soda contains phosphoric acid, which depletes calcium and magnesium—two nutrients help keep your immunity operating at peak health.Drinking soda regularly can eventually lead to weight gain, diabetes, insulin resistance, and other health problems. Sodas containing high-fructose corn syrup can also lead to a higher production of free radicals, which have been linked to tissue damage, the development of diabetes, and diabetic complications. It makes you gain weight because the sweet taste signals your body cells to store fat and carbohydrates, which makes you hungrier. Sweet tastes also promote insulin release, which blocks your body's ability to burn fat. One can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, which, yes ,you guessed right is alot of sugar!  When this much amount of sugar is going into your body in liquid form, your blood sugar level spikes up, causing an insulin reaction in your body. Soda water contains phosphoric acid which hinders the body's ability to absorb calcium naturally & insufficient amount of calcium can lead to bone softening, osteoporosis, and dental cavities. It also messes with your stomach acid, blocking nutrient absorption and slowing digestion.Drinking soda can lead to dehydration because of its high levels of sugar, sodium, and caffeine . Diet soda is often given as an alternate option to diabetics especially, but what people don't know is that it contains aspartame instead of sugar, and it can actually be more harmful for your body. Reports show that aspartame may be associated with seizures, brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, emotional disorders, as well as other health problems.
So if you are now thinking about how, Im done scaring the bejesus out of you, spouting off the health risks and whatnot, is there a solution or an alternative? Well, fresh fruit juices, milk, or a sodium-free seltzer with a wedge of lemon or lime quenches thirst without hurting your health or your wallet.
 Teeny tip - So next time, you desis out there, you can offer your guests all of these options & enjoy their awkward expressions! Howz that?!

Food myth: Spicy food gives you an ulcer

 Technically the bacteria, H.pylori causes almost all gastric ulcers. Spices can exacerbate an irritable bowel, and so can some medications like aspirin. 

Food myth: Frozen and canned fruits and veggies are less nutritious than fresh ones

I think you can say it is sort of a and hit and miss situation. We know that Fresh fruits and vegetables are of course more nutritious than the frozen and canned variety when they are picked. However, the foods, depending on how long the journey, based on days or even weeks in transit from the farms, and also during shipping and storage, natural enzymes are released which might cause a loss of nutrients. By contrast, food processors systematically quick-freeze fresh-picked produce.
The easy and best solution is to go for local and seasonal produce. Its better to store them in pureed frozen form in their proper season,rather than buying it all year around from the shelves of canned goods.

Food myth: Eating carrots will improve your eyesight

Woes of yours truly, 8yr old self having to wear prescription glasses! It seemed to be an absolute nightmare at that time, hence the tips. This one I have always believed in & recently came to now as a total myth.


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